
a student from the major in ministry leadership studies preaches in chapel

If you have a passion for sharing your faith and want to work in a ministry context, 获得事工学位是很好的第一步. A ministry degree ensures that you have a solid theological foundation and allows you to gain specialized training in different areas of ministry.

Why Study Ministry?

A degree in ministry will help you handle the significant responsibilities you will be trusted with in a ministry role. Earning a degree in ministry will allow you to be mentored by experienced ministers and church leaders as you develop a deep and grounded faith.

While a degree in ministry can qualify you to be a pastor, there are many more opportunities for ministry graduates. 不管你的职业是什么, 一个事工学位会帮助你在属灵上成长, personally, and professionally. Learn more about the different ways you can use a ministry degree to glorify God and have a positive impact on the world.


PBA offers an 在线文学学士在事工 that will equip graduates for a lifelong career in ministry. Students who have a busy schedule can benefit from asynchronous classes and flexible learning formats. Online students are able to view the course materials at any time and complete assignments on their own schedule. 每个八周的课程, students will be able to attend two to three live lectures to have a chance to interact with faculty and peers.

Careers in Ministry

Here are some careers in ministry that are perfect for ministry majors. 

  • Pastor
    Pastors are responsible for teaching their congregation through sermons. They often have a senior leadership role within the church and tend to the spiritual well-being of their community.
  • 儿童部主任
    Children’s ministry directors build relationships with children in their congregation and community, teaching them Scripture and helping them to build a relationship with Jesus Christ through various activities.
  • 宣教部负责人
    A mission ministry leader guides a congregation on how to have a missions-focused mindset. This often involves organizing trips to help people around the world learn about Jesus.
  • 医院或军队牧师
    Chaplains provide spiritual care to people in a non-church context, 比如在医院或军队里. They are responsible for performing religious ceremonies and supporting people who are going through hard times.
  • 社区服务总监
    A community service director plans and implements service projects within a community. This might look like outreach services, food banks, or other social services provided by the church.
  • Worship Leader
    Worship leaders work on the church staff and plan and lead worship services for their congregation. They are responsible for running worship practice and ensuring the worship songs are theologically appropriate for their congregation.
  • 基督教营主任
    Christian camp directors oversee the activity of a camp, including curriculum, finances, safety, 培训员工.
  • Teacher
    教育部学位的毕业生是优秀的教师. Working at a private school often requires a bachelor’s degree in any subject, while working at a public school may require you to get a teaching certification.
  • Author/Writer
    Christian authors create written content in the form of books, research papers, or blogs.
  • Church Administrator
    Church administrators organize and oversee the operations of a church, including its budget, inventory, and security. 他们也可以帮助维护所有的设施.
  • 非营利组织协调员
    Nonprofit coordinators make sure that programs are running smoothly and on budget. They ensure all services are properly staffed and raise funds and resources to help their community.
  • Professor
    While becoming a professor will require a graduate degree, it can be a great career choice for ministry majors who would like to continue their education. PBA offers a PhD 实用神学 that is perfect for aspiring professors.




PBA’s ministry degree prepares men and women through a mixture of biblical, historical, theological, 以及实践研究. Some of the topics you will study in a ministry degree include:

  • 解读圣经
  • 探索旧约
  • 探索新约
  • World Religions
  • Spiritual Formation
  • 基督教领袖原则
  • Church in Society
  • Theology & Ethics of Ministry
  • Systematic Theology
  • 使命的历史和神学
  • 基督教历史
  • Evangelism & Apologetics
  • Conflict & Crisis in Ministry
  • Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness for Ministry
  • Homiletics
  • 教会教育
  • Ministry Connect


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for careers in religious organizations is $31.每小时39美元,或每年65280美元. Careers in ministry are projected to grow by 8% over the next 10 years.


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PBA’s 在线文学学士在事工 会帮助你学习技能吗, character, and knowledge you need to work in a church or parachurch organization. Contact us to learn more about this program and start your application today.